Friday, May 29, 2009

Busy time~

So many things going on ~ so let's begin......

**Rain - we just can't say it enough, we love it and we are tired of it and then we love it!

** Running still -- I ran with B in the Run for the Son in Anniston and won 1st place in my age group! YEAH ME!!!! Great day! Then we tried to brave the mass crowd at Old Navy for the $1 flip flops and just wimped out. Who has that kind of stamina for $1? Craziness I tell ya!

**I finally got my house a little bit cleaned up - That in itself is enough to blog about! Praise God!

**JJ taugh Sunday School a few weeks ago and did an awesome job. Who knew he would do so well? I was very proud of him and I really think he has a God given talent!

**One of my dearest friends (well she is more like a sister actually), her little girl was in the hospital this week with Bronchialitis and breathing problems so I would ask that you remember Preston Mashburn in your prayers. She and Josie almost share the same birthday, except they are 1 year apart. Oh, and of course remember her parents as well, Joseph and Emily. We love you so much!!

**Remember Molly and Gage Craven in your prayers as well. They are newly expecting and so of course all of the new gitters have found them!! We are excited for your guys!! Maybe we will get to spend New Years Eve in hopsital with them and the new baby!

**Ok so last but not least, I had a break down earlier this week.....Josie moved to a new class and that of course means that she cannot stay a baby forever! So I cried and boohooed at they daycare. She is so amazing and I just could not even imagine my life without her!

**Well I guess there a few more things. We go to the beach in one week!! YES!!! the beach!

**I still hate my haircut and I need some miracle grow!

**Dad got a new job - Praise God!

Well I love all of you out there!