I know that it is not that big a deal to most, but it is a huge deal in my world...Josie started her TWO year old class yesterday. Ok so it's not 5k or highschool, but it is still a milestone in her little life. It is a big kid class room...Not a baby room :(
I just love to watch her little personality flourish everyday. Her spunk and zest keep me young! I love to hold her hand at night to say the blessing or night time prayers and then she interupts us half way through because she can't wait to say "amen" and then we have to get a kiss after we pray. She loves to be chased around the house because she thinks we will steal her marshmellows from her. She marches into to school and says " i walk" and then kisses me bye. But when the day is over she runs up to me like it has been 10 years and she is so glad to see me!! YAY!!! for MOMMY!!