First lets update....
As you can see I am no longer pregnant! Joseph Tripp Forman is 6 1/2 months old! Gee, these months have just flown by! And I am afraid too much has happened since, that I can not go back and catch up on all the details of my postpartum and crazy times. So I will just start fresh with the here and now of the my crazy times..
I will say that I have the most wonderful husband in the whole wide world! He has been rock through all of my madness. Smile one minute, cry the next. Well not just cry, sobbing! But God has seen us both through it with the help of our wonderful friend Mary Alice...If you ever need some counseling, we recommend her! There's part of my transparency! I/WE don't have it all together. We are more in love than ever! But through bringing another life into the mix of the Forman household we discovered that we wanted to make our marriage even better! And with the help Mary Alice, it is ROCKING!! We of course knew that God put us together, but we just felt like there was so much room for improvement in our marriage. We wanted to have a marriage that wasn't just ok, or even good, but we wanted it to be WOW, AWESOME, and to be able to communicate like never before.
Facebook sometimes really erks me! Everyone seems to have it all together with their perfect lives, children, husbands, clean homes, fancy homes, nice cars and an endless supply of money! So here comes the other part of my transparency, or is this a taboo subject? I am what I am. JJ and I strive to provide a very balanced home for our children. We try to live within our means and not keep up with the "Jones". My family is not above wearing "twice as nice" clothing. We live in a doublewide and I am happy. We have used cars. I buy mostly store brand groceries. JJ and I still some have clothes from highschool. We live on a budget and we each have a weekly allowance. We rarely eat out. So how is this for transparent. Although this seems very terrible to some, we also have 0, ZERO, debt! Praise the Lord!! We do have toys, like a boat, a fourwheeler and others things for our children. So we aren't boring! And we don't live like hermits or anything, just frugal. We simply have goals! We want to retire one day, send our children to college, have a farm, travel, etc. We just don't want to be in debt up to our eye balls when do all of it. I guess people don't share these things because we want others to think that we have it all together, that we don't struggle, that we have nice things. And I do sometimes wonder what will people think of me when they find out I live in a mobile home?? But I am reminded that God said in Matthew "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy....., but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, ..........for where your treasure is there your heart will be also. "
So in a nut shell, I have my family and my God, what else does a girl need?