Friday, June 19, 2015

Yes, I know...

Yes, I know that there is a certain weirdness about me...

And I'm ok with that.  I embrace it.

But I will say I think the weirdness is growing. Or just in the normal sense of how Americans live now.. Or maybe I'm not weird..Maybe America has become the weird ones I am becoming more normal!  haha

Anyway, what started out as a way a to feed our family and a hobby is now becoming a way of life. Farming and gardening.  Eating fresh, natural and from the earth. The way God intended for it to be.  Not food from the grocery store packed full of junk, preservatives, and chemicals.  Now, we have to buy some of the that "stuff"...But I am slowly learning how NOT to.  And maybe by learning to do so, we won't have all of the disease and health problems in our family lineage.. So as I am learning, the chemicals are in everything and it is absolutely irritating me! I have gotten rid of so many lotions and body sprays, finger nail polishes...I hate to be wasteful, so as of right now we are using everything up and will replace all cleaning, toiletries, and food items with safe, NON-GMO and chemical free products.  I could talk about this for days on end. But I will spare you.  Just do your research and be careful of what you put in your God given body.  Be a good steward of His planet and the temple (your body). 

Told you I was weird and thankfully my husband is supportive!

I have so many friends and family members who are unhealthy, and have unknown illnesses.  Maybe this is all linked!! I just know I want to give my family the safest and healthiest environment possible. 

My inner hippie and free spirit is coming out.  Don't worry friends, I will always bathe and wear deodorant! :)

Here are some good links:

Wellness Mama
Almost Exactly

Happy Friday!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Things that Moms Do

Have you ever noticed the crazy things you do as a mom?

For instance -

I love to sing. It doesn't matter what it is. I can even hate the song. It can be a commercial, a jingle, whatever.  This morning, after I dropped my kiddos of at daycare, I driving right along...singing song after song, every word - Kids Bible Sing-Along! 


I immediately texted a friend of mine who would appreciate my state of insanity..

She called me and shared her morning mishap..Much funnier than mine!

She was leaving her house to take her one year old son to the dr.  A few miles from home she realized she had on her fuzzy house shoes! Luckily she had some flip flops in her car.  Geez!

Many times we put two different shoes on, put our clothes on inside out or backwards...Forget to brush our teeth or put on deodorant.

But the kiddos make it all worth!
