Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's in the Water...

So the ole sayning "its in the water" has a little bit of truth after all. Mr. JJ and I will have Forman baby #2 in February! Josie keeps sayin' she's gonna be a big sister and that she has a baby in her tummy. How do you explain to a 2 year old that SHE DOES NOT have a baby in her tummy?? But I suppose that we will have to teach that lesson on down the road.

Any who, the little addition happened a little sooner than we expected, but God knows best! And we are thankful and grateful!

This pregnancy is so totally different than my first. I have already started filling out my clothes at 6 weeks. And I am so very "yuck" all day everyday. Hopefully the nausea will subside soon.

xoxo, jennifer

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