Tuesday, November 5, 2013

On the Book Shelf

Two great reads.

My So Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife by Sarah Horn.  see the book here... Being a working mom is hard! And who can even begin to try to live up to be a Proverbs 31 woman?? So many expectations!

And the other one is The Respect Dare. This book has completely changed life! I will be completely honest and tell you that I was very skeptical about reading it.  I was not interested in The Love Dare, so not sure how this was going to turn out.  AWESOME!!!!! It taught me more about being a servant of God and putting God first. My priorities were wrong. And still get a little out of line, but all in all, I have just experienced the biggest learning curve in my life! And to boot, I have learned how to respect my husband like I am supposed to.  I can NOT say enough about this study.  I think I will do it again just to see what I missed and what I can learn the second go 'round.  Every wife or soon to be wife needs to read this.

One Year..

It only takes ONE Year to change the way you look at life. Well really it can take any amount of time. One day, one week, one month....

Today, I am thankful for my Salvation. Thankful for forgiveness, mercy, grace....the blood that was shed for me. I am thankful for my husband who loves me unconditionally, just like Christ loves me. 

I am thankful for friends. Real true friends. Who really know me and appreciate me even when I can't be a friend in return. 

I am thankful for the Bible and God's continual instruction. How do people love without it?