Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Much to Say About Nothing

So really I have nothing much to say. This is really for me just to empty my thoughts out~

Our weekend was a good one. Even though Josie has been coughing and had a green nose just like the rest of the kids around, we are standing tall. The doc. called in some meds for her and of course they kinda make her cranky. We vegged out all weekend, therefore putting me in a cranky mood....

Friday I got off early, so I ran before I picked Josie up from school. We played outside till JJ got home and decided not to go out to eat but order pizza instead. Bad decision! Neither of our stomachs can handle that kind of grease. JJ fished on Saturday to prepare for our Sunday School fish fry this coming week. Josie and I stayed in our pjs all day till we were forced to leave the house so we could pick up her RX. JJ came home and cleaned the fish. Josie was a little bit more brave this time wanted to touch them. I made heart shaped pancakes for supper to celebrate to special day. I of course had to, just had to, put chocolate chips in mine.

Church on Sunday was great as always! Bro. Jacky has been teaching on the Bride of Christ. Mom kept Josie after church so JJ and I could get some things around the house done. Well, he worked on his car all day and I cleaned and piddled around some. I actually got to paint a picture.

Monday I was off for President's day --- Josie and I just hung out and played at home. Didn't really do much. Went and bought groceries, took a nap, cleaned up some.... I will be so glad when it warms up so we can at least go outside and play.


Just call me "B" said...

What? You painted a picture! Tell me!

Kat Drinkard said...

Thank you so much for letting me in your daily life. I know we talk and chat some, but you are so busy. And lead such a fun exciting life I think. Miss u bunches!!

x0x0 - Kat