Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finishing up my Birthday...

So JJ has been telling me for years that my bithday only lasts for one day, but in my mind in goes on for days! Party on! I told you I love birthdays!! I just get so excited.....just a kid at heart.

So I got my gift from him last night when he got home from work! Drum roll please~~~~~~~

I got a treadmill!!!! Now it is time to run, run, run! I love it...... I ran a mile last night without stopping and I am very proud of myself considering I have only ran once since I had Josie. I used to could run for days when JJ and I where dating.....But then we got married and I got lazy. So now my new challenge to myself, in front of God and everyone,is to start running 5ks and such! My first run is on January 31st and a group of us are running for Mrs. Denise at the Conquer Cancer Run. I am so pumped. I hope and pray that I stick to my new hobby!


Kat Drinkard said...

Oh wow Jennifer. I am so happy for you and proud of JJ for getting such a great gift. Good luck!!! I know you can do it!!!


Just call me "B" said...

Run, Forrest, run!